Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

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Dealing with the D-word

Dealing with the D-word

MichaelSunnarborg / August 19, 2020
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I’ve been working on a new project recently that has challenged me to be flexible and agile—I’ve had to rethink my process for a task that I’ve known how to do for years. With routines having shifted dramatically due...

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Now What? Now Wait

Now What? Now Wait

MichaelSunnarborg / July 21, 2020
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It’s July 2020 and who would have thought we’d still be in the middle of a global pandemic? Maybe the scientists and epidemiologists did, but certainly not the rest of us. Especially us Americans. While other parts of the...

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Whose Voice is That Anyway?

Whose Voice is That Anyway?

MichaelSunnarborg / February 11, 2020
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Think your beliefs are static? Think again. The other day I caught myself saying something I didn’t believe, “Money is hard to make and even more difficult to save.” Whereas that belief may have been true for me in the...

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Want Peace? Then Be The Peace

Want Peace? Then Be The Peace

MichaelSunnarborg / December 31, 2019
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“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” has been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. Although that’s not literally what Gandhi said, the spirit was just the same. Regardless of the words, the quote isn’t simply a suggestion—it is...

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