Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

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Remember Your Power

Remember Your Power

MichaelSunnarborg / May 13, 2021
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It’s easy to forget our power—especially in times of major transition. And post-pandemic is one of those times. As we start to re-emerge back into society and our communities, there will be a lot of changes for us to...

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Now What?

Now What?

MichaelSunnarborg / April 12, 2021
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Now that we’re starting to emerge from our “COVID caves” and slowly re-enter back into the world, many questions still remain. Where do I feel safe? What am I ready to do? And with whom? Which things do I...

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Time to Unplug

Time to Unplug

MichaelSunnarborg / March 11, 2021
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When was the last time you unplugged from the noise and hustle of everyday life? Just like our electronics, we all need to reboot and refresh on a regular basis. How will you take time this week or weekend...

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Being a Blessing to Others

Being a Blessing to Others

MichaelSunnarborg / January 27, 2021
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(Front of card): “I have been blessed to be a blessing to others.” (Back): “Pass it on.” I first picked up this powerful proclamation from a minister when I was singing in my cousin’s choir at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in...

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2020: A Year of Contrast

2020: A Year of Contrast

MichaelSunnarborg / December 30, 2020
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In December of 2019, I set my intention for 2020 to be the “Year of Clarity.” I had no idea what was in store. This past year, clarity has certainly become an understatement—along with any other words associated with...

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Feels Good? Do More of It

Feels Good? Do More of It

MichaelSunnarborg / September 22, 2020
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Feeling happy during a pandemic almost sounds like a contradiction in terms. With all the serious issues currently facing us, it seems like the pursuit of feeling good might not only be viewed as ignorant, but even selfish and shameful. When in truth, the only way...

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COVID-19: The Perpetual Tunnel

COVID-19: The Perpetual Tunnel

MichaelSunnarborg / September 09, 2020
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Analogies and metaphors have always helped me make sense of things I couldn’t understand; they have built bridges between gaps in my knowledge and experience over the years. Lately, I’ve been equating the COVID-19 pandemic to the experience of...

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