The Power of Our Thoughts
MichaelSunnarborg / July 22, 2021 Article, Image, Link / Leave a Comment
Having one of those days when it feels like your thoughts are taking you on a wild goose chase?
You’re not alone.
Research suggests the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day. Yep. That’s a lot of thinkin’.
So which thoughts are you focusing on and how are you feeling? And how do those feelings change when you change your focus?
Whatever we pay attention to expands. And that applies to whatever the thoughts may be—positive or negative.
Keep “in mind” that we always have the power to choose which thoughts we focus on. And when we find ourselves involved in another cognitive conundrum, we always have the choice to “give up the goose”.
Are you ready to take control of your thoughts instead of having your thoughts take control of you? Then start by paying attention to what you pay attention to. And then let me know what you learn!
Be healthy. Be well.
Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Ready to chat about your thoughts? Schedule a free 30-minute chat with me at connect.michaelcreative.com
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