Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

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It’s never too late

It’s never too late

MichaelSunnarborg / April 30, 2024
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It’s never too late … to forgive yourself for mistakes you’ve made. … to give yourself the benefit of the doubt. … to do more kind and loving things for yourself. … to say more kind and loving words...

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Bossy or Helpful?

Bossy or Helpful?

MichaelSunnarborg / March 01, 2024
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Think about the last time you gave advice or feedback. Or perhaps you were just making a “simple observation” about someone. How did it go? Was it well-received? Maybe. Or maybe not. The desire to share our thoughts and...

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Kindness Wins

Kindness Wins

MichaelSunnarborg / December 16, 2023
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop Ah, kindness. My favorite friend. Especially during the holidays, I’ve chosen to take that quote to heart by deliberately focusing on where I can practice more...

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Be The Peace

Be The Peace

MichaelSunnarborg / December 21, 2021
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“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” has been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. Although that’s not literally what Gandhi said, the spirit was just the same. Regardless of the words, the quote isn’t simply a suggestion—it is an instruction....

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Want Peace? Then Be The Peace

Want Peace? Then Be The Peace

MichaelSunnarborg / December 31, 2019
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“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” has been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. Although that’s not literally what Gandhi said, the spirit was just the same. Regardless of the words, the quote isn’t simply a suggestion—it is...

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