Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Find Michael's blogs syndicated on the following sites:

Silence: Our Faithful Friend

Silence: Our Faithful Friend

MichaelSunnarborg / May 25, 2016
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With all the noise we experience in our daily lives, finding something as simple as peace and quiet can be challenging—especially when our environments are busy. And I’m not speaking only of our external environments, but also our internal...

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How to Transcend Traffic

How to Transcend Traffic

MichaelSunnarborg / April 06, 2016
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For some, driving can be a chore; a necessary evil; a mandatory requirement. For others, it can be an enjoyable experience. Regardless of whether or not you enjoy it, driving can also be a source of incredible frustration. Whether...

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The Worry List

The Worry List

MichaelSunnarborg / March 22, 2016
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What are you worried about right now? Do you have a “Worry List”—you know, a virtual list of the things that you are most worried about? And when one of the items on your worry list is resolved, does...

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The Helpful Handful Diet

The Helpful Handful Diet

MichaelSunnarborg / February 23, 2016
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Part of finding and maintaining better balance is finding simple healthy habits that we can pick up quickly. Some of the most important habits involve our commitment to healthy eating and exercise—two things we should do every day. Speaking...

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Omm. Umm. Huh?

Omm. Umm. Huh?

MichaelSunnarborg / February 09, 2016
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“Follow my instructions. Close your eyes. Sit still. Don’t talk. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Drop your shoulders, and just breathe. How do you feel?” “Umm… better…?” Okay, so meditation. Right. Got it. It helps people to relax....

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My Fitbit Coach

My Fitbit Coach

MichaelSunnarborg / January 26, 2016
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“Why do you keep walking up and down the stairs and all around the house? It’s after 11:00pm,” my Mom asked as I briskly passed by her on my third pass through the kitchen. “I gotta get in my...

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Do the Work

Do the Work

MichaelSunnarborg / January 22, 2024
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After coming up with my “word for 2024“, I wondered what to focus on next. The nudge I received in response was, “Do your inner work.” Inner work? You say. So what is that, exactly? Inner work means focusing...

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Do The Work

Do The Work

MichaelSunnarborg / January 12, 2016
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After writing my intentions for the new year, I wondered what to focus on first. The nudge I received in response was, “Do your inner work.” Inner work? You say. So what is that, exactly? I’m glad you asked....

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