Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

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The Power of Momentum

The Power of Momentum

MichaelSunnarborg / June 07, 2016 Article, Image, Link / Leave a Comment

When I was a kid, my bicycle was my freedom. I remember riding my bike everywhere during the summer months–to swim practice, to picnics with friends, even around the lake. In fact, one year I bought an odometer and clocked over 1,200 miles that summer. Not bad for a 10-year-old on a three-speed!

Remember the first time you tried riding a bicycle? How did it feel? And what did you need to learn immediately in order to stay upright?

Riding a bicycle requires several skills, but most importantly balance and momentum. To have a successful experience, we first need to find our center of gravity (to keep our balance)—and then establish momentum to get us anyplace. By paying attention to our subtle shifts and movements, we learn to control our speed and direction and become our own throttle and steering wheel.

While physical definitions of balance and momentum can be applied to riding a bicycle, the metaphorical definitions can be applied to our personal lives.

Finding balance in life is an ongoing quest. After 20 years of writing about finding better balance in our life activities and relationships, I was surprised to discover that balance is a natural state. And returning to that natural balance—in all areas of our lives—is the journey back to our true selves: our inner beings. The more we are in touch with our inner being, the better balanced we feel.

While balance is like the steering wheel, momentum is the accelerator. It was only recently that I started to truly grasp the immense power that momentum has in my own life. This was truly a breakthrough. I discovered that when I started paying attention to how my thoughts, feelings, and intuition were leading me to new experiences, I could feel the power of energetic momentum starting to build or fade, depending on how much attention I paid to my inner being.

My focus acted as the foot on the pedal—the more I focused on something, the faster the momentum.

Here’s what I know about momentum now:

Thoughts have momentum. The mind is powerful and our thoughts have energy. When we focus on a thought and give it our attention, that energy affects what we say and do in response. Once a thought gets enough of our attention, it begins to gather momentum.

Behaviors have momentum. Our mind and body are great subordinates to the beliefs that drive our behaviors. And once our patterns of behavior—or habits—have been established, they directly influence our attitudes, actions, and words. Habits have their own powerful momentum until we decide to change them.

Relationships have momentum. All relationships start small and grow over time. As we connect more deeply with others, certain relationships—especially romantic ones—will establish momentum, while others, like with coworkers, may not—at least not in the same direction. In relationships, momentum can be established by creating honesty and truth to gain greater transparency.

By using the three balance steps of 1) awareness; 2) alignment; and 3) activation, we can stop, change, or redirect momentum in our lives. We can recognize momentum through awareness; discern healthy from unhealthy patterns by choosing alignment; and continue the momentum or choose to change, stop, or redirect it through activation—three simple steps for recognizing, slowing, or starting new momentum.

Why is understanding momentum important? Because we have the power to adjust it. When our patterns or habits are no longer working—even if they have gained momentum—we can adjust our focus.

By making different choices and focusing on new healthy habits, we can slow momentum in some areas and create new momentum in others. And this will help us move in the directions that we truly desire—even if it’s just a bike ride around the lake.

Learn more about the power of choices and momentum in 21 Days to Better Balance, or any of the other books in Michael’s collection at michaelsunnarborg.com/books

Image Copyright: nadezhda1906 / 123RF Stock Photo

All content is copyright © Michael Thomas Sunnarborg. All rights reserved. Original content may be shared via links through email and social media—or shared as "fair use" as either brief quotations or in a review—but otherwise may not be duplicated or copied in any other form without expressed written permission from author.

11 thoughts on “The Power of Momentum”

  1. Hey, Michael, great metaphors in this blog post!

    As far as momentum goes, when I find myself stalling on something that I know that I need to do, I break the project into manageable chunks, organize the chunks logically, then start on the first one. Most of the time, completing that first task provides enough momentum to propel me into the next chunk and so on.

    Another scheme that I use when there really isn’t a logical progression through the chunks is to tackle the hardest task first on the theory that everything else will be easier, which will help the momentum. When I was enrolled in an MBA program in Alaska, I took graduate accounting as my first class (I had never had undergraduate accounting, mind you). Sure enough, I passed with a B (amazing), and the subsequent classes seemed a lot easier.

    1. MichaelSunnarborg says:

      Great suggestions for helping establish new momentum, Bette! And what an accomplishment with the Accounting class. When it comes to numbers, you’re braver than me!

      1. Thanks, Michael, and I just thought of something: No matter what you face, you can move forward ONE MOMENT AT A TIME!


        1. MichaelSunnarborg says:

          Yes, mindful living is just like mindful eating… one bite at a time!

    2. Joseph William Henry says:

      Jump in the pool before you start thinking about the cold water. As my grandmother used to say “make your bed before you have a chance to start thinking about it, otherwise it becomes a chore.”

      1. MichaelSunnarborg says:

        Such wise advice, Joe. Thanks for passing this along!

  2. Latha says:

    Such a brilliant article! I heard a quote that made a huge impact on me and summarizes what you have explained so well – “what you are seeking is also seeking you”, since, I have become very aware of my thoughts , cut out the negatives and focus on the positives plus accelerate them – this has helped me make a huge shift in me inside and is manisfesting in more positive life experiences. Thank you for inspiring me everyday!

    1. MichaelSunnarborg says:

      Thank you, Latha! Love the quote. I’m so glad that we’re staying connected over the thousands of miles :o)

  3. Karren Sharkey says:

    You go man! I always enjoy reading these to myself and your grandma.

    Love, your Nerrak

    1. MichaelSunnarborg says:

      Love you, Nerrak (and Grandma, too!)

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